On Tuesday, January 31, 2018, I was at
Pei-Hsin Junior High School. There were forty-five student recruits from elementary schools and a few
high school interns. I was asked to do a four-period program on the topic of “Lunar New Year.”
The week before, I began a power point presentation about Lunar New Year for a middle-school recruitment I was asked to teach by the Kang Shin publishing agent. I divided it into four parts: "Western" Gregorian calendar, Lunar New Year around the World, Customs and Traditions in Taiwan, and The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson. I would introduce myself using reported speech and then practice comparison, verbally and on the board. After a break, the second part would be a group reporting activity, and the third part would be listening comprehension and retelling of chapter one of the novel. We were driven to the school behind Hola Home Furnishings in Beitun, Taichung, at eight o'clock and went to the library.
I requested from the school no more than internet access on
The week before, I began a power point presentation about Lunar New Year for a middle-school recruitment I was asked to teach by the Kang Shin publishing agent. I divided it into four parts: "Western" Gregorian calendar, Lunar New Year around the World, Customs and Traditions in Taiwan, and The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson. I would introduce myself using reported speech and then practice comparison, verbally and on the board. After a break, the second part would be a group reporting activity, and the third part would be listening comprehension and retelling of chapter one of the novel. We were driven to the school behind Hola Home Furnishings in Beitun, Taichung, at eight o'clock and went to the library.
I requested from the school no more than internet access on
a projector, and white or chalk boards. I was given one white board on wheels on which writings couldn’t be erased and a laptop that
hadn’t been updated for on-line power point. To bring this winter-break
program back from potential disaster, we all had to think fast.

Temple Wong) and her family react to the news. I was worried the students wouldn’t understand but they did. I told the students they would retell the story putting five sentences on the board in a tag-team formation. The children had ten minutes to caucus; then, I called them to the board. I supervised and gave suggestions as they wrote and awarded the first team completed as the first to present their story to the class. I then went over each story in order of completion and made corrections. I then cued the group; the students did a choral reading of their work. All nine groups presented. It was wonderful!

Right on time, the
recruitment program ended. There was such enthusiasm from the students,
interns, and teachers and staff; even the assistant principal of the school
stopped by to share the joy. I was so stoked by the end I could barely sit
down, but the publisher’s agent escorted me to his van and drove us home. It
had been a successful morning giving the children something of substance to
converse about and practice English. They loved the board games, slide show,
and camaraderie of being in a team. They had a good laugh as I joked about the
content in my Brooklyn hoodie and Dodger jersey. The Year of the Dog really got
off on the right paw.
Happy Lunar New Year!

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